School of Applied Sciences
Courses in the School of Applied Sciences may be applied towards a certificate program or taken independently as continuing education courses.
Applied sciences are practical applications and uses for scientific knowledge and research findings. Within the Rhine Education Center, the School of Applied Sciences provides practical applications of research findings in the field of parapsychology. An emphasis is placed on field investigations including exploring paranormal phenomena, but additional applications include methods to develop and use Remote Viewing, approaches to active dreaming, increasing intuition, perceptions external to the physical body, and similar topics.
Courses in this school emphasize a connection to the published scientific research and experiential practices developed and refined by experts. Utilizing the scientific foundations of the field of parapsychology, best practices are presented to assist students in designing, developing, and performing professional field investigations, and training techniques enhance their personal applications of psi.
Students in the School of Applied Sciences are often interested in exploring meaningful experiences and investigating unexplained phenomena. Many also want to become more efficient and effective in their personal practices by applying scientific findings.
Major Areas of Study
Field Investigations (8 courses)
Applying Concepts & Developing Psi (6 courses)
Associated Certificate Programs
School of Liberal Arts & Creative Sciences
Courses in the School of Liberal Arts & Creative Sciences may be applied towards a certificate program or taken independently as continuing education courses.
The School of Liberal Arts and Creative Sciences explores the nature of consciousness by examining artistic expressions related to the topics studied in parapsychology and associated fields. Expressions of psi in the arts, human cultures, and historical accounts provide insight into the human experience of psi and methods that have been used to share these experiences with other people.
Beyond science there are other practical and viable approaches to understand consciousness, and this school introduces students to methods pursued by artists, anthropologists, and historians to recognize the lived experience of meaningful events that seem to indicate phenomena currently inaccessible to physical sciences. There is a great deal to learn about our world through a detailed examination of a series of related topics and a creative approach to the phenomena through the arts.
Students in the School of Liberal Arts and Creative Sciences often view psi phenomena in a very creative and expressive way. They are able to see the value of exploring human experiences and integrating the many facets of our lives to learn more about the unexplained or subtle experiences that can be very meaningful and transformative.
Major Areas of Study
Arts & Literature (4 courses)
Culture (6 courses)
History (6 courses)
Associated Certificate Programs
Course Description: Introduction to Lucid Dreaming
with Robert Waggoner & Jeffrey Peck
This 4 week course is presented as part of the School of Applied Sciences programs from the Rhine Education Center. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Mondays (August 7th - 28th) from 2:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern US Time, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and interact with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Description
This four week course will introduce you to the science, practice and potential of Lucid Dreaming, or the conscious realization of dreaming while in the dream state. Topics covered will include a variety of lucid dream induction techniques, methods to stabilize and explore the lucid dream state, scientific research on lucid dreaming and potential activities to engage in while lucidly aware (e.g., accessing creativity, enhancing emotional or physical health, engaging a responsive inner awareness, seeking information outside of one’s knowledge and conducting spiritual practices).
During the course, we will also take a special look at lucid dreaming and topics in the field of parapsychology, such as lucid dreams and deceased dream figures, precognitive and telepathic information in lucid dreams and more, along with thoughtful approaches to examining the results of personal experiments. We will also provide supportive advice for those who wish to use lucid dreaming for their own purposes.
Suggested Text: Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple, by Robert Waggoner and Caroline McCready. Available from and other booksellers
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $115 ($100 for Rhine members)
Coures Description: Dowsing
with Paul H. Smith, PhD
This 4 week course is presented as part of the School of Applied Sciences programs from the Rhine Education Center. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Wednesdays (August 10th - 31st) from 7:00pm - 8:30pm Eastern US Time, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and interact with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Description
Dowsing is an ancient skill with modern applications. Come to renewed prominence thanks to its value as an additional tool in remote viewing, it offers a solution to the “search” problem: That is, locating things that remote viewing can only “find”—help you learn the “where” when you already know the “what.” (Discover what this means on the first day of our course!). It can be useful in decision-making scenarios where nothing else can work, in certain future-prediction environments, and in determining facts and other information that are otherwise obscured from normal sources of discovery.
This four-week online dowsing tutorial is designed to introduce you to dowsing principles and ways of using it to enhance your life and improve your choices and decisions in epistemically challenging situations. We start with the fundamentals of dowsing. We explore:
The course includes:
The instruction will alternate between instructional presentations and hands-on dowsing exercises beginning with the basics and building into techniques useful for increasingly complex problem-solving.
Even though dowsing has reemerged in the remote viewing context, you don’t have to be a remote viewer to take this class. But if you are a remote viewer, you will find this tool a valuable enhancement to your remote viewing tool chest, and well worth the time and resources required to develop it. And if you’re not a remote viewer, don’t let that get in your way! The dowsing principles and techniques you learn here can still be a valuable asset in helping with many of life’s challenges.
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $139 ($119 for Rhine members)
Religious Perspectives on Psi: Description
with Jimmy Akin
This 8 week course from the Rhine Education Center may be taken as an adult education course or it may be applied towards a certificate program from the Rhine. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Tuesday afternoons from October 10th - December 3rd (no class 11/26), 2pm - 4pm Eastern US, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and interact with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Click to view the Course Syllabus
Course Description
How do religions integrate psi phenomena into their belief systems?
Religion is one of the most common and profound aspects of human life. It often deals with experiences that are considered extraordinary or outside the normal operation of nature. Historically, these have been called supernatural experiences, but today they might be called paranormal.
Parapsychologists take a scientific approach to the phenomena and experiences that are sometimes reported in religious contexts. This course will explore parapsychology from the viewpoint of different world religions. It will survey key parapsychological topics and how they are understood by some of the major world religions (including indigenous religions, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam).
It is important to note that this course will be presented from a religiously neutral point of view. That is, it will focus on the phenomena and perspectives, but it will not presuppose the truth or falsity of any religious beliefs.
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $249 ($224 for Rhine members)