Current Courses
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Courses Now Available - Fall 2018
Other Courses Offered
Courses offered by the Rhine Education Center are designed as professional courses to provide education in Parapsychology. Students are able to participate in weekly discussion forums and progress is evaluated throughout the courses.
Many courses are strictly for informational purposes, but some courses can be applied to certificate programs offered by the Rhine Education Center. Though not an accredited institution, the Rhine Education Center provides a professional educational opportunity for students.
Classes are broadcast once a week, but they are also recorded if you are not able to attend the live broadcast. You can watch the recordings and post in the forums at your convenience.
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All information contained on this page is the sole property of the Rhine Education Center and the Rhine Research Center. This information cannot be reproduced or reused without the expressed written permission of the Rhine Research Center.
Current Courses
New Courses Available!
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Course Listing - Winter 2019
There are many events that cannot be easily studied in the laboratory. Psi phenomena typically occur in spontaneous situations or in environments that do not transfer to a controlled laboratory environment. Qualitative research methods provide a way to explore this type of event in a controlled scientific manner.
Other Courses Offered
Courses offered by the Rhine Education Center are designed as professional courses to provide education in Parapsychology. Students are able to participate in weekly discussion forums and progress is evaluated throughout the courses.
Many courses are strictly for informational purposes, but some courses can be applied to certificate programs offered by the Rhine Education Center. Though not an accredited institution, the Rhine Education Center provides a professional educational opportunity for students.
Classes are broadcast once a week, but they are also recorded if you are not able to attend the live broadcast. You can watch the recordings and post in the forums at your convenience.
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All information contained on this page is the sole property of the Rhine Education Center and the Rhine Research Center. This information cannot be reproduced or reused without the expressed written permission of the Rhine Research Center.
Current Courses
New Course Listings Coming for Fall
Courses Now Available - 2019
In this course students will be introduced to the topics that are studied by professional parapsychologists. Topics will include an overview of the phenomena (Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Precognition, Psychokinesis, and Survival Issues), history, research methodologies and researchers that make up the vibrant field of scientific parapsychology. The course textbook is Introduction to Parapsychology, 5th edition by Harvey Irwin and Carline Watt. Besides the weekly class broadcasts, there is an online discussion forum for students to share their ideas, answer questions about the lectures, and communicate with the instructors.
Students who choose to be graded in this course will receive letter grades based on their participation in the weekly discussion forums, and their scores on two multiple choice/short answer essay tests given in weeks 4 and week 8. Students who complete this course with a passing grade will receive a certificate of completion from the Rhine Education Center.
Other Courses Offered
Courses offered by the Rhine Education Center are designed as professional courses to provide education in Parapsychology. Students are able to participate in weekly discussion forums and progress is evaluated throughout the courses.
Many courses are strictly for informational purposes, but some courses can be applied to certificate programs offered by the Rhine Education Center. Though not an accredited institution, the Rhine Education Center provides a professional educational opportunity for students.
Classes are broadcast once a week, but they are also recorded if you are not able to attend the live broadcast. You can watch the recordings and post in the forums at your convenience.
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All information contained on this page is the sole property of the Rhine Education Center and the Rhine Research Center. This information cannot be reproduced or reused without the expressed written permission of the Rhine Research Center.
Current Courses
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Courses Now Available - Fall 2019
What types of experiences do people report? Who reports them? What are some of the theories behind some of these experiences? How are these experiences evaluated and investigated?
This 4 week continuing education course will provide an overview of the full range and depths of exceptional experiences, also known as anomalous events, including experiences of hallucinations, lucid and precognitive dreams, near-death and out-of body events, UFO sightings, alien abductions, psychokinesis, remote viewing, mysticism, anomalous healing, psi-events and past-lives.
Exploring Exceptional Experiences will evaluate whether there are underlying similarities among all the phenomena and the issues with moving forward with a new scientific paradigm.
This is a continuing education course, but students will be introduced to scientific articles and references that will help them to make their own decisions about the world around them and its possibilities. Prepare to open your mind to a changing view of science while continuing to challenge your innermost thoughts and most firmly held beliefs.
The research findings from the field of Parapsychology have demonstrated that psi abilities-- ESP and PK (psychokinesis / mind over matter) – are functions of normal human beings, much like creativity. Some people are more creative than others in different disciplines, but everyone seems to have some creativity in them, provided they can find it and have some belief it can be developed and utilized.
Developing one's psychic/intuitive abilities is much the same. Some people have a natural aptitude for certain psychic talents that spontaneously manifest themselves, others need to find which applications of psi they have aptitude for and work on bringing them out.
This course will cover the major findings of Parapsychology relating to what makes a person more (or less) intuitive/psychic and will include exercises that will help you both test and develop the abilities you may have aptitude for, including a remote viewing experiment and a "Telepathy" game you can play with your family and friends.
In addition, we will discuss the importance of specific characteristics and beliefs, the range of beliefs about ESP around the world, how personal belief -- whether arrived at because of culture, religion, education or family upbringing -- can effectively support or block psychic experiences, and how to assess psychic readings.
Other Courses Offered
Courses offered by the Rhine Education Center are designed as professional courses to provide education in Parapsychology. Students are able to participate in weekly discussion forums and progress is evaluated throughout the courses.
Many courses are strictly for informational purposes, but some courses can be applied to certificate programs offered by the Rhine Education Center. Though not an accredited institution, the Rhine Education Center provides a professional educational opportunity for students.
Classes are broadcast once a week, but they are also recorded if you are not able to attend the live broadcast. You can watch the recordings and post in the forums at your convenience.
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All information contained on this page is the sole property of the Rhine Education Center and the Rhine Research Center. This information cannot be reproduced or reused without the expressed written permission of the Rhine Research Center.
Current Courses
Courses currently in session
Courses Now Available - Spring 2020
Art and Parapsychology: Exploring Psi through Art (4 weeks)(This course qualifies for certificate programs)
with Mark Boccuzzi
Wednesday: May 20th - June 10th
5:30pm - 7:00pm Eastern Time
Tuition: $79 (Tuition Reduced!)
Do you bring creativity or artistic inspiration to your everyday tasks or even scientific endeavors? Have you ever had a vision during a creative session? Does it feel like your artistic creations have been inspired or even guided by some unseen force?
This course is designed for artists, creative people, scientists, and anyone who has a sense that creativity and extended human consciousness may work together in the artistic, and possibly even the scientific process.
Though the information presented in this interactive course is designed for everyone, additional material will be available people who want to take a deeper dive into the research, technology, or creation of more complex products.
Traveling Out of the Body: A Practical and Scientific Perspective (4 weeks)
(This course qualifies for certificate programs)
with Graham Nicholls
Monday: June 1st - June 22nd
2:00pm - 3:30pm Eastern Time
Tuition: $79 (Tuition Reduced!)
This 4 week continuing education course will examine the phenomenon of Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) and offer insights into how you can begin your own journeys to travel out of your body. OBE specialist and author Graham Nicholls will explore the history of OBEs, their relationship with near and shared death experiences, veridical OBEs, OBE science, and his own research into the nature of the experience. The course will provide an in-depth discussion of personal experiences and what these experiences suggest about the nature of out-of-body perception and the continuation of consciousness after death.
Theories of nonlocal consciousness and network theory will be included as well as the work of scientists such as Brian Josephson, Rupert Sheldrake, and Sir Roger Penrose.
Paranormal Phenomena: EVP, ITC, & Technologies
with Loyd Auerbach, M.S.
Wednesday, June 3rd - June 24th (NEW DATES!)
8:30pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time
Tuition: $99
This 4-week course will focus on the technology used to examine paranormal phenomena. The course will explore Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP), Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), and other technology that is often used in the investigation of paranormal phenomena.
Instructor Loyd Auerbach is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable experts on the paranormal. His courses are always well attended and some of the most exciting courses offered at the Rhine Education Center.
Eight Important Studies in Parapsychology (8 weeks)
(This course qualifies for certificate programs)
with John G. Kruth, M.S.
Tuesday, May 12th - June 30th
4:30pm - 6pm Eastern Time
Tuition: $225 (Tuition Reduced!)This 8 week academic course will explore a different scientific study in parapsychology each week. Students will be asked to read a scientific paper to prepare for each week, and the class will examine the purpose of the study, the methodology presented, the analysis technique, and the significance of the study to the field of parapsychology. Each week, the studies will be reviewed in class, and students will be asked to discuss specific topics in the courseroom to help provide additional insight into the study.
Studies will include Zener card research done at the Duke Parapsychology Lab, the Ganzfeld technique, studies of Remote Viewing, micro-PK experiments from the PEAR Lab, studies of healing, and poltergeists, among others.
Introduction to Parapsychology (8 weeks)
(This course qualifies for certificate programs)
with Loyd Auerbach, M.S.
Monday: April 27th - June 22nd
8:30pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time
Tuition: $199 (Tuition Reduced!)
This survey course covers the basics of parapsychology including the topics addressed by parapsychology, the history of parapsychology, and the role of parapsychology in the sciences. Additional topics may include psi in different cultures, skeptical issues in psi, the theories behind psi phenomena, and the special ethical issues that occur in psi research.
Human Consciousness & Survival Studies (8 weeks)
(This course qualifies for certificate programs)
with Loyd Auerbach, M.S.
Tuesday, April 28th - June 16th
8:30pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time
Tuition: $199 (Tuition Reduced!)
This course will review the characteristics of Near Death Experiences (NDEs), Out of Body Experiences (OBEs), Mediumship and after death communication, and examine the current research that is occurring in this area. It will include qualitative investigations, laboratory studies, of the effects of these experiences on individuals, and counselling efforts that have been used to help people with these experiences.
Other Courses Offered
Courses offered by the Rhine Education Center are designed as professional courses to provide education in Parapsychology. Students are able to participate in weekly discussion forums and progress is evaluated throughout the courses.
Many courses are strictly for informational purposes, but some courses can be applied to certificate programs offered by the Rhine Education Center. Though not an accredited institution, the Rhine Education Center provides a professional educational opportunity for students.
Classes are broadcast once a week, but they are also recorded if you are not able to attend the live broadcast. You can watch the recordings and post in the forums at your convenience.
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All information contained on this page is the sole property of the Rhine Education Center and the Rhine Research Center. This information cannot be reproduced or reused without the expressed written permission of the Rhine Research Center.