Paranormal Phenomena: EVP, ITC, and Technology
with Loyd Auerbach, M.S.
This course in included in the Professional Field Investigations certificate and the Paranormal Investigations certificate programs.
This 4 week course is presented as a continuing education course from the Rhine Education Center. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and intgeract with the course instructor. This course qualifies for some certificate programs.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Description
This 4-week course will focus on the technology used to examine paranormal phenomena. We will explore Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP), Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), and other technology that is often used in the investigation of paranormal phenomena.
Instructor Loyd Auerbach is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable experts on the paranormal. His courses are always well attended and some of the most exciting courses offered at the Rhine Education Center.
When: Live broadcasts or watch the recordings at your convenience
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $119 ($104 for Rhine Members)
Remote Viewing
with Paul H. Smith, PhD
View the Syllabus for this course
This 4 week course from the Rhine Education Center may be taken as an adult education course. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Tuesday evenings, November 7th - December 5th (no class Nov 21st) from 8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern US Time, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and interact with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Description
This 4-week online introduction to remote viewing (RV) will discuss RV’s origins and history, scientific protocols, methodologies, applications, success stories and failures, explanatory theories, skeptical critiques, and much more, including brief instruction to the RV process and an opportunity to perform your own remote viewing session during the course of instruction. The controversy surrounding teaching of remote viewing will be discussed, and you will be introduced to the roles played in remote viewing by some of the most significant personalities in the field, including such luminaries as Ingo Swann, Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ, Joseph McMoneagle, Ed May, and others.
Instructor Paul H. Smith, Ph.D. was for seven years a member of Project Star Gate, the US government remote viewing program, working as an operational remote viewer, trainer, and the program’s official historian. He still actively teaches remote viewing in its various aspects, is on the Board of Directors of the Rhine Research Center, and is a previous president of IRVA, the International Remote Viewing Association.
View the Syllabus for this course
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Tuesdays: November 7th - December 5th; 8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time. (No class November 21st)
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $119 ($99 for Rhine Members)
How to Choose a Psychic
with Loyd Auerbach, MS
This 4 week course is presented as an ungraded continuing education course from the Rhine Education Center. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Monday evenings (August 9 - August 30) from 8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern US Time, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and intgeract with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Description
How to Choose a Psychic or Medium (and how to assess a reading)
This four week course is designed for people interested in finding a legitimate psychic, those who want to evaluate psychics, or even the researchers who wants to learn more about the skills necessary to determine if a psychic is fooling you or themselves. The course will give you the basic tools to:
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $79 (Tuition Reduced!)
Eight (8) Important Studies in Parapsychology
with John G. Kruth
This 8 week course from the Rhine Education Center may be taken as an adult education course or it may be applied towards a certificate program from the Rhine. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Tuesdays, October 10th - November 28th from 2pm-4pm Eastern US, and an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and intgeract with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Description
This 8 week academic course will explore a different scientific study in parapsychology each week. Students will be asked to read a scientific paper to prepare for each week, and the class will examine the purpose of the study, the methodology presented, the analysis technique, and the significance of the study to the field of parapsychology. Each week, the studies will be reviewed in class, and students will be asked to discuss specific topics in the courseroom to help provide additional insight into the study.
Studies will include Zener card research done at the Duke Parapsychology Lab, the Ganzfeld technique, studies of Remote Viewing, micro-PK experiments from the PEAR Lab, studies of healing, and poltergeists, among others.
The special issues related to research in parapsychology will be included in this course, and students will have an opportunity to discuss these issues and creatively provide ways to address these issues.
It is strongly recommended that students taking this course have a background in Research Methods or have taken a course in Research Methods for parapsychology.
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $225 ($199 for Rhine Members) for the 8 week course
Qualitative Research Methods - Course Description
8 week course
Instructor: John G. Kruth, MS
This 8 week course from the Rhine Education Center may be taken as an adult education course or it may be applied towards a certificate program from the Rhine. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Tuesday from 2:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern US Time, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and intgeract with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Description
How do researchers study reports of psi experiences or learn more about experiences that aren't easily reproduced in the laboratory?
There are many events that cannot be easily studied in the laboratory. Psi phenomena typically occur in spontaneous situations or in environments that do not transfer to a controlled laboratory environment. Qualitative research methods provide a way to explore this type of event in a controlled scientific manner.
Qualitative research methods typically gather information through interviews, questionnaires, observation, or a review of literature and art. Analysis methods vary for qualitative research, but there are extremely well-defined processes that will help the researcher to learn more about the event or phenomena being studied.
This course will describe some common methods of qualitative research and analysis techniques to gather information about psi phenomena outside of the laboratory environment. Through the review of articles and psi reports, the students will learn how qualitative research is performed and reported for paranormal and psi phenomena.
This academic course is designed for the serious student and qualifies for many certificate programs.
It is strongly recommended that students have taken the Research Methods course or have previous experience with research methodology.
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $225 ($199 for Rhine members or students enrolled in a degree program.)