Certificate Programs

Expressing Conscious Living Certificate

This program examines psi through the lens of the humanities. Students will explore a variety of experiences and anomalous phenomena through the arts, literature, nature, history, folklore, religion, and personal experiences. Cultural and historical perspectives on psi phenomena and the evidence supporting psi will provide the foundations for deeper explorations.

This is an academic program designed to provide the student with the tools to understand and evaluate anomalous phenomena represented in literature and the arts while recognizing a variety of worldviews that can color perceptions and evaluations of experiences. In addition, students will be introduced to methods of expression and presentation in multiple formats including numerous creative processes.

Skills Development

The following skills are necessary to achieve a certificate in expressing conscious living from the Rhine Education Center. Students will demonstrate these skills through their writings, their responses to course evaluations, and their project work.

  1. Recognition of possible anomalous phenomena, activities, or events that are present in art, literature, or daily life
  2. Classification of phenomena according to academically recognized terminology
  3. Proper evaluations of literature, art, and other creative expressions that demonstrate or discuss anomalous phenomena
  4. Knowledge of the history of psi phenomena and religious experiences through an examination of literature, folklore, and historical documents.
  5. Critical evaluations of creative expressions using tools to determine strictly fictional representations from those based in personal experiences.
  6. The ability to express personal experiences through creative media like literature, art, performance, or other creative expressions.
  7. The appropriate recognition, identification, and application of ethical standards as appropriate in creative expressions.


Students must complete all courses with a passing grade. There are 10 required courses and a Final Project that will integrate knowledge from all areas of studies. In addition to the required courses, students must complete at least 5 electives from the course listing.

Estimated time to complete the program is 18 – 30 months.

Course Listing

  • School of Liberal Arts & Creative Sciences


    Complete the seven required courses and two electives in Liberal Arts & Creative Sciences with at least one in each section below.

    • Arts & Literature


      • Art as Psi: A portal to the mysterious, magical, & miraculous (4 weeks)
      • Classic Books of Parapsychology
      • Writing About Your Experiences  (Parts I & II)

    • Culture


      • The Power of Nature: The folklore & practices to evoke the divine (4 weeks)
      • Experiencing the Exceptional & Extraordinary (4 weeks)
      • Religious Perspectives on Psi (8 weeks)


      • Paranthropology: A cultural approach to psi
      • Religious Perspectives on Psi History Electives
      • Theosophy: Theory, Practice, & Scientific Impacts (4 weeks)
      • Psi in Christianity (4 weeks)

    • History


      • Historical Overview of Parapsychology(4 weeks)


      • Early Psychical Research (pre-1880) (4 weeks)
      • Telepathy, Mediums, & Apparitions (1880 – 1930) (4 weeks)
      • Parapsychology: The early years (1930-1985) (4 weeks)
      • Modern Parapsychology (1985 – present) (4 weeks)
      • People of Parapsychology

    • School of Consciousness Studies

      • Parapsychology


        • Introduction to Parapsychology


        • Scientific Approach to ESP
        • Dreams & Altered States of Consciousness
        • Energy Healing & PK
        • Human Consciousness & Survival Studies
        • A Skeptical Approach to Parapsychology
        • Psychology & Psi
        • Eight Important Studies in Parapsychology
        • Reincarnation Studies
        • Beyond the Physical: The persistence of spirit (4 weeks)
        • Dreams & ESP (4 weeks)
        • Premonitions: A peek into the future (4 weeks)

      • Research Methods


        • Exploring Exceptional Experiences


        • Research Methods for Parapsychology
        • Quantitative Research Methods
        • Qualitative Research Methods
        • Introduction to Analysis Methods
        • Survey Methodology: An introduction

      • Theory


        • Theories of Psi
        • Presentiment: Exploring the nature & theories of time (4 weeks)
        • Evolution & the development of psi (4 weeks)
        • Quantum Physics & Psi (4 weeks)

    • School of Applied Sciences

      • Field Investigations


        • Ethics in Field Investigations


        • Field Investigations
        • Advanced Field Investigations

      • Applying Concepts & Developing Psi


        • Remote Viewing (4 weeks)
        • RV Special Topics: Practical Precognition (4 weeks)
        • Developing Your Intuition (4 weeks)
        • How to Choose a Psychic (4 weeks)
        • Traveling Out of the Body: A practical & historical perspective (4 weeks)

  • Final Project: Critical Evaluation or Creative Project – Independent Study

Additional Information

Students can apply for the certificate program by sending an email to administration@rhineeducationcenter.org and expressing an interest in the program. Once accepted, the student is responsible to insure they complete each course in the program, take each for a grade, and achieve a passing grade in each course.

Once all of the courses are completed, the student must apply to complete the certificate by sending an email to administration@rhineeducationcenter.org. The student's transcript will be reviewed, and if the courses have all been completed with satisfactory grades, the certificate will be awarded.