A Scientific Approach to ESP (was The Science of ESP)
with Loyd Auerbach

This 8 week course from the Rhine Education Center may be taken as an adult education course or it may be applied towards a certificate program from the Rhine. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Wednesday evenings, May 6th - June 24th, from 8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern US Time, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and interact with the course instructor.

If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.

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Course Description

This 8 week academic course will define the phenomena and experiences related to Extrasensory Perception (ESP) and provide an in-depth study of the current and historical evidence and research of Telepathy, Clairvoyance, and Precognition. The differences and similarities between these categories of psi experience/abilities will be discussed as well as an overview of what has been learned about psychological and physical variables and theories and models of ESP. Some of the basic topics related to Remote Viewing and applications of ESP will also be introduced in this class.

When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.

Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.

Tuition: $230 ($210 for Rhine members or students enrolled in a degree program.)

View the Course Syllabus

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