This program is designed to provide a foundation for paranormal investigations and integrate critical thinking into the process. It will discuss the necessary tools for a thorough investigation, but focus more on the best methods and approaches used by research investigators. In addition, this program will review the value of the media influence in investigations and discuss the theoretical foundation for survival after death and the research evidence for these phenomena.
This program will focus mainly on investigations of hauntings, apparitions, and poltergeists.
Estimated time to complete this program: 18 - 24 months
This series will include
Additional Information
Students can apply for the certificate program by sending an email to and expressing an interest in the program. Once accepted, the student is responsible to insure they complete each course in the program, take each for a grade, and achieve a passing grade in each course.
Once all of the courses are completed, the student must apply to complete the certificate by sending an email to The student's transcript will be reviewed, and if the courses have all been completed with satisfactory grades, the certificate will be awarded.
This program is designed to provide a complete approach to investigating psi and paranormal phenomena in their natural environments, outside of the laboratory. It will include investigative techniques for hauntings and apparitions, localized poltergeist phenomena, past life memories, near-death experiences, and mediumship encounters. This program will discuss the historical foundation for investigations, investigative techniques, interviewing skills, technology for investigations, and ethical matters essential to performing a professional investigation.
Estimated time to complete this program: 24 - 40 months
Skills Development
The following skills are necessary to achieve a certificate in field investigations from the Rhine Education Center. Students will demonstrate these skills through their writings, their responses to course evaluations, and their project work.
Additional Information
Students can apply for the certificate program by sending an email to and expressing an interest in the program. Once accepted, the student is responsible to insure they complete each course in the program, take each for a grade, and achieve a passing grade in each course.
Once all of the courses are completed, the student must apply to complete the certificate by sending an email to The student's transcript will be reviewed, and if the courses have all been completed with satisfactory grades, the certificate will be awarded.
This program is designed to provide a foundation for the scientific study of phenomena related to consciousness studies through the lens of parapsychology. Students in this program will learn the basic foundations of parapsychology including terminology, research methods, and the important theories that guide scientific research.
This is a challenging program and requires a continued focus as the student is led through academic literature and peer-reviewed articles to develop an understanding of how the field developed, the current state of the field, and the important concepts that guide researchers to advance knowledge within the field.
Skills Development
The following skills are necessary to achieve a certificate in scientific parapsychology from the Rhine Education Center. Students will demonstrate these skills through their writings, their responses to course evaluations, and their project work.
Students must complete all courses with a passing grade. There are 14 required courses and a Final Project that will integrate knowledge from all areas of studies. In addition to the required courses, students must complete at least three (3) elective courses including one (1) elective course from the School of Applied Sciences and one (1) elective course from the School of Liberal Arts & Creative Sciences.
Estimated time to complete the program is 24 – 40 months.
Course Listing
Additional Information
Students can apply for the certificate program by sending an email to and expressing an interest in the program. Once accepted, the student is responsible to insure they complete each course in the program, take each for a grade, and achieve a passing grade in each course.
Once all of the courses are completed, the student must apply to complete the certificate by sending an email to The student's transcript will be reviewed, and if the courses have all been completed with satisfactory grades, the certificate will be awarded.
This program examines psi through the lens of the humanities. Students will explore a variety of experiences and anomalous phenomena through the arts, literature, nature, history, folklore, religion, and personal experiences. Cultural and historical perspectives on psi phenomena and the evidence supporting psi will provide the foundations for deeper explorations.
This is an academic program designed to provide the student with the tools to understand and evaluate anomalous phenomena represented in literature and the arts while recognizing a variety of worldviews that can color perceptions and evaluations of experiences. In addition, students will be introduced to methods of expression and presentation in multiple formats including numerous creative processes.
Skills Development
The following skills are necessary to achieve a certificate in expressing conscious living from the Rhine Education Center. Students will demonstrate these skills through their writings, their responses to course evaluations, and their project work.
Students must complete all courses with a passing grade. There are 10 required courses and a Final Project that will integrate knowledge from all areas of studies. In addition to the required courses, students must complete at least 5 electives from the course listing.
Estimated time to complete the program is 18 – 30 months.
Course Listing
Complete the seven required courses and two electives in Liberal Arts & Creative Sciences with at least one in each section below.
Additional Information
Students can apply for the certificate program by sending an email to and expressing an interest in the program. Once accepted, the student is responsible to insure they complete each course in the program, take each for a grade, and achieve a passing grade in each course.
Once all of the courses are completed, the student must apply to complete the certificate by sending an email to The student's transcript will be reviewed, and if the courses have all been completed with satisfactory grades, the certificate will be awarded.
Certificate Programs Offered by the Rhine Education Center
About the Certificate Programs
The Rhine Education Center offers certificates to students who successfully complete programs in the study of parapsychology. Each certificate requires the completion of specific courses. In order for a course to be applied to a certificate program, the course must be taken for a grade.
Students who wish to complete a certificate program must apply for the program by sending an email to Review the academic policies for more details on how to apply for a certificate program from the Rhine Education Center. All courses taken to complete a certificate program must be taken for a grade, and the student must specifically request that their progress is evaluated for a grade ineach course.
Not all courses can be applied to a certificate program. It is the responsibility of the student to verify that the courses that are taken comply with the requirements for a certificate and that appropriate courses are being taken for a grade.
NOTE: The Rhine Education Center is not an accredited academic organization. The certificates offered are provided as a record of completion of the course programs from the Rhine, but they cannot be applied to a program in an accredited institution without the specific agreement of such an accredited institution.
Listing of Available Certificate Programs