Current Courses

Courses currently in session

Investigating the Paranormal, Scientific Parapsychology, & Expressing Conscious Living certificates. Click through for details about ALL Certificate Programs.

Courses Begin August 2022

    • Introduction to Lucid Dreaming (4 weeks)
      with Robert Waggoner & Jeffrey Peck
      Monday: August 8th - August 29th
      2:00pm - 3:30pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $119 ($99 Rhine Members)

      Dreaming....A unique opportunity to learn about Lucid Dreaming from the expert in the field!

      This four week course will introduce you to the science, practice and potential of Lucid Dreaming, or the conscious realization of dreaming while in the dream state. Topics covered will include a variety of lucid dream induction techniques, methods to stabilize and explore the lucid dream state, scientific research on lucid dreaming and potential activities to engage in while lucidly aware (e.g., accessing creativity, enhancing emotional or physical health, engaging a responsive inner awareness, seeking information outside of one’s knowledge and conducting spiritual practices).

      During the course, we will also take a special look at lucid dreaming and topics in the field of parapsychology, such as lucid dreams and deceased dream figures, precognitive and telepathic information in lucid dreams and more, along with thoughtful approaches to examining the results of personal experiments. We will also provide supportive advice for those who wish to use lucid dreaming for their own purposes.


    • Traveling Out of the Body(4 weeks)
      with Graham Nicholls
      Tuesday, August 9th - August 30th
      2:00pm - 3:30pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $119 ($99 for Rhine Members)

      Out of BodyGraham Nicholls has been tested in labs around the world, and is an expert on traveling out of the body.

      This 4 week continuing education course will examine the phenomenon of Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) and offer insights into how you can begin your own journeys to travel out of your body. OBE specialist and author Graham Nicholls will explore the history of OBEs, their relationship with near and shared death experiences, veridical OBEs, OBE science, and his own research into the nature of the experience. The course will provide an in-depth discussion of personal experiences and what these experiences suggest about the nature of out-of-body perception and the continuation of consciousness after death.

      Theories of nonlocal consciousness and network theory will be included as well as the work of scientists such as Brian Josephson, Rupert Sheldrake, and Sir Roger Penrose.


    • Introduction to Dowsing (4 weeks)
      with Paul H. Smith, PhD
      Wednesday: August 10th - August 31st
      7:00pm - 8:30pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $139 ($119 for Rhine Members)

      Brain-Arrows-Colors This four-week online dowsing tutorial is designed to introduce you to dowsing principles and ways of using it to enhance your life and improve your choices and decisions in epistemically challenging situations. We start with the fundamentals of dowsing. The course includes:

      • Basic dowsing exercises
      • Fundamentals of map dowsing,
      • Timeline dowsing
      • Diagram dowsing and
      • Decisional dowsing.

      The instruction will alternate between instructional presentations and hands-on dowsing exercises beginning with the basics and building into techniques useful for increasingly complex problem-solving.


    • Art as Psi (4 weeks)
      with Chantal Toporow, PhD
      Monday: August 8th - August 29th
       7:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $99 ($79 for Rhine Members)

      This course is included in the Expressing Conscious Living certificate program.

      Bosch - Tunnel of LightArt as Psi: A portal to the mysterious, mystical, and miraculous!

      This 4 week course is designed for anyone who wishes to gain a deeper understanding of how Art has given us a series of clues about the Psi human experience. We will review critical artworks going back to ancient times and we will wander across the Art history timeline to present for illumination. Who were these renegade artists who saw the creative potential of expressing what Psi meant to them, and who tried to capture the miraculous and mystical through various art media and across various cultural contexts? We will explore how artists have used art to convey the extraordinary, the unimaginable.

      As we critically examine various art and art forms, the biography of a few selected artists will be placed within the framework of their time and their own personal and societal/cultural expressions. This journey shall enable the course participants to gain a deeper appreciation of a more obscure artistic legacy that has been given to us over the millennia, and to develop the tools to understand Art's more profound impact on our understanding of Psi phenomena and, equally, the importance of the creative muses in the exploration of consciousness.


    • Developing Your Intuition (4 weeks)
      with Loyd Auerbach, MS
      Tuesday: August 9th - August 30th
      8:00pm - 9:30pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $99 ($79 for Rhine Members)

      Professor ParanormalThe research findings from the field of Parapsychology have demonstrated that psi abilities-- ESP and PK (psychokinesis / mind over matter) – are functions of normal human beings, much like creativity. Some people are more creative than others in different disciplines, but everyone seems to have some creativity in them, provided they can find it and have some belief it can be developed and utilized.

      Developing one's psychic/intuitive abilities is much the same. Some people have a natural aptitude for certain psychic talents that spontaneously manifest themselves, others need to find which applications of psi they have aptitude for and work on bringing them out.

      This course will cover the major findings of Parapsychology relating to what makes a person more (or less) intuitive/psychic and will include exercises that will help you both test and develop the abilities you may have aptitude for, including a remote viewing experiment and a "Telepathy" game you can play with your family and friends.

      In addition, we will discuss the importance of specific characteristics and beliefs, the range of beliefs about ESP around the world, how personal belief -- whether arrived at because of culture, religion, education or family upbringing -- can effectively support or block psychic experiences, and how to assess psychic readings.


Courses currently in session

Courses offered by the Rhine Education Center are designed as professional courses to provide education in Parapsychology. Students are able to participate in weekly discussion forums and progress is evaluated throughout the courses.

Many courses are strictly for informational purposes, but some courses can be applied to certificate programs offered by the Rhine Education Center.  Though not an accredited institution, the Rhine Education Center provides a professional educational opportunity for students.

Classes are broadcast once a week, but they are also recorded if you are not able to attend the live broadcast.  You can watch the recordings and post in the forums at your convenience.

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