Current Courses

Fall Courses Now in Session!
Watch for New Courses in 2024!

Investigating the Paranormal, Scientific Parapsychology, & Expressing Conscious Living certificates. Click through for details about ALL Certificate Programs.

Fall Session Courses 2023

    • Introduction to Parapsychology
      with Jimmy Akin
      Monday: October 9th - November 27th
      2:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $199 ($179 Rhine Members)

      This course is the introductory course for every certificate program.

      BrainColorsThis unique eight week course will be broadcast live on Monday afternoons, but many students choose to watch the recordings of the classes if they cannot attend them live.

      In this course students will be introduced to the topics that are studied by professional parapsychologists. Topics will include an overview of the phenomena (Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Precognition, Psychokinesis, and Survival Issues), history, research methodologies and researchers that make up the vibrant field of scientific parapsychology. The course textbook is Introduction to Parapsychology, 5th edition by Harvey Irwin and Caroline Watt. Besides the weekly class broadcasts, there is an online discussion forum for students to share their ideas, answer questions about the lectures, and communicate with the instructors.

      Students who choose to be graded in this course will receive letter grades based on their participation in the weekly discussion forums, and their scores on two multiple choice/short answer essay tests given in weeks 4 and week 8. Students who complete this course with a passing grade will receive a certificate of completion from the Rhine Education Center.


    • Advanced Field Investigations
      with Loyd Auerbach, MS
      Monday, October 9th - December 4th (No class Nov 6th)
      8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $249 ($225 for Rhine Members)

      This course is included in the Professional Field Investigations certificate and the Paranormal Investigations certificate programs.

      LoydLogoThis course is a deeper exploration of the topics covered in the Field Investigations course.

      See note below for those wanting to take the course without a grade.

      In this course, students will explore the topics of field investigations more deeply, including methods related to specific models of paranormal phenomena from a scientific perspective of a parapsychologist. In addition, this course will discuss the history of paranormal field research, provide details on dealing with clients and finding resolutions during investigations, discuss issues related to “public haunts” vs. private home cases, and provide more complex methods for exploring the evidence and analyzing data to reach a conclusion. Technology used in investigations* will be reviewed along with EVPs, and psychic, mediums, and other sensitives. The technology will be evaluated at a basic level for best use in both private homes and public site investigations.

      Finally, this course will examine the psychology of perception and interpretation of activity and how non-paranormal explanations can apply in investigative circumstances. Parapsychology laboratory findings will be integrated into the course materials to explore how the laboratory studies apply to field investigations.

      Students who are taking this course for a grade are required to have taken the Field Investigations course from the Rhine, or taken the Ghost Hunting course from HCH, or established yourself as a knowledgeable student of parapsychology with the instructor, or passed a quiz on field investigations (provided by Loyd Auerbach). If you’re not taking the course for a grade, there are no prerequisites, though the Introduction to Parapsychology course and the Field Investigations course are both recommended.


    • Eight Important Studies in Parapsychology
      with John G. Kruth, MS
      Tuesday: October 10th - November 28th
       2:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $225; (Rhine Members $199)

      Reincarnation ManyLivesThis 8 week academic course will explore a different scientific study in parapsychology each week.  Students will be asked to read a scientific paper to prepare for each week, and the class will examine the purpose of the study, the methodology presented, the analysis technique, and the significance of the study to the field of parapsychology.  Each week, the studies will be reviewed in class, and students will be asked to discuss specific topics in the courseroom to help provide additional insight into the study.

      Studies will include Zener card research done at the Duke Parapsychology Lab, the Ganzfeld technique, studies of Remote Viewing, micro-PK experiments from the PEAR Lab, studies of healing, and poltergeists, among others.

      The special issues related to research in parapsychology will be included in this course, and students will have an opportunity to discuss these issues and creatively provide ways to address these issues.

      It is strongly recommended that students taking this course have a background in Research Methods or have taken a course in Research Methods for parapsychology.


    • Paranormal Case Studies
      with Loyd Auerbach, MS
      Wednesday, October 11th - December 6th (No class Nov 8th)
      8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $245 ($220 for Rhine Members)

      This course is included in the Professional Field Investigations certificate and the Paranormal Investigations certificate programs.

      Learn about the paranormal through the study of investigations and reports of apparitions, hauntings, and poltergeists.

      This 8-week course will take a deep look at a hand-picked group of professional investigations of apparitions, hauntings, and poltergeists, as well as significant surveys of similar experiences. Included will be key cases (like the Seaford Poltergeist case which produced the RSPK model), important investigative methods, and a discussion of two major surveys of spontaneous psi experiences and what they say about psi in general.

      Instructor Loyd Auerbach will present his own cases with details, video shot on site, and insights that have not made it into published reports or television interviews. Students will have the opportunity to ask deeper questions about Auerbach’s cases.


    • The Power of Nature: The folklore and practices to evoke the divine
      with Chantal Toporow, PhD
      Tuesday: October 10th - Octobrer 31st
       7:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $99; (Rhine Members $79)

      Nature colorfulMashupHow does Nature reveal the divine, the miraculous, and mystical, and what are the similarities between cultures that give us profound insight into its power?

      This 4-week survey course will review paramount movements through the ages to discover how nature has enabled humans to connect with the deeper consciousness of all living things. Students will explore how the people of the world share a reverence for nature, considering it to be divine, sacred, or populated by spiritual beings, and how ancient beliefs and present-day movements are influencing attempts to use the powerful forces of Nature to conjure the extraordinary and the unimaginable.

      As we critically examine a multitude of nature-based practices, such as the belief in supernatural beings and supernatural forces, we will introduce concepts used in ancient and modern movements such as animism, alchemy, astrology, biodynamics, bioenergetics, druidry, hermeticism, geomagnetism, green magic, qigong, natural healing, nature spirituality, mythology, polytheism, shamanism, Shintoism, tribal nature-based religions, wiccan, etc. This journey will enable students to gain an introduction and deeper appreciation of our connection to nature and how it governs our own psychic and conscious development, nurturing our connection to nature's more ethereal realms.


    • Remote Viewing (4 weeks)
      with Paul H. Smith, PhD
      Tuesday, November 7th - December 5th (No class Nov 21st)
      8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $119 ($99 for Rhine Members)

      RemoteViewingExperienceThis 4-week online introduction to remote viewing (RV) will discuss RV’s origins and history, scientific protocols, methodologies, applications, success stories and failures, explanatory theories, skeptical critiques, and much more, including brief instruction to the RV process and an opportunity to perform your own remote viewing session during the course of instruction. The controversy surrounding teaching of remote viewing will be discussed, and you will be introduced to the roles played in remote viewing by some of the most significant personalities in the field, including such luminaries as Ingo Swann, Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ, Joseph McMoneagle, Ed May, and others.

      Instructor Paul H. Smith, Ph.D. was for seven years a member of Project Star Gate, the US government remote viewing program, working as an operational remote viewer, trainer, and the program’s official historian. He still actively teaches remote viewing in its various aspects, is on the Board of Directors of the Rhine Research Center, and is a previous president of IRVA, the International Remote Viewing Association.


Fall Courses Now in Session!
Watch for New Courses in 2024!

Courses offered by the Rhine Education Center are designed as professional courses to provide education in Parapsychology. Students are able to participate in weekly discussion forums and progress is evaluated throughout the courses.

Many courses are strictly for informational purposes, but some courses can be applied to certificate programs offered by the Rhine Education Center.  Though not an accredited institution, the Rhine Education Center provides a professional educational opportunity for students.

Classes are broadcast once a week, but they are also recorded if you are not able to attend the live broadcast.  You can watch the recordings and post in the forums at your convenience.

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