Current Courses

Spring Courses Are In Session

Investigating the Paranormal, Scientific Parapsychology, & Expressing Conscious Living certificates. Click through for details about ALL Certificate Programs.

Spring Session Courses 2024

    • Human Consciousness & Survival Studies (8 weeks)
      with Loyd Auerbach, MS
      Wednesday, May 8th - July 3rd (no class June 26th)
      8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $224 ($200 for Rhine Members)

      This course is required for the Scientific Parapsychology certificate program, and can be applied to other certificates.

      NDEImage01 This 8 week academic course examines the phenomena, experiences, and research related to the survival of human consciousness outside of the physical body. The course reviews the characteristics of Near Death Experiences (NDEs), Out of Body Experiences (OBEs), and after death communication (Mediumship) and examines the current research that is occurring in this area. Additional topics related to the survival of consciousness, including apparitions and hauntings, will also be explored.

      Besides a discussion of the description of the phenomena and the evidence supporting the survival hypothesis, the course will also discuss qualitative investigations and laboratory studies into the effects of these experiences on individuals, and counselling efforts that have been used to help people with these experiences.


    • Introduction to Parapsychology (8 weeks)
      with Jimmy Akin
      Monday: May 6th - July 1st (no class May 27)
      7:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $199; (Rhine Members $179)

      This course is required for all certificate programs

      BrainColors This unique eight week course will be broadcast live on Monday evenings, but many students choose to watch the recordings of the classes if they cannot attend them live.

      In this course students will be introduced to the topics that are studied by professional parapsychologists. Topics will include an overview of the phenomena (Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Precognition, Psychokinesis, and Survival Issues), history, research methodologies and researchers that make up the vibrant field of scientific parapsychology. The course textbook is Introduction to Parapsychology, 5th edition by Harvey Irwin and Caroline Watt. Besides the weekly class broadcasts, there is an online discussion forum for students to share their ideas, answer questions about the lectures, and communicate with the instructors.

      Students who choose to be graded in this course will receive letter grades based on their participation in the weekly discussion forums, and their scores on two multiple choice/short answer essay tests given in weeks 4 and week 8.

      Students who complete this course with a passing grade will receive a certificate of completion from the Rhine Education Center.


    • Psychology & Psi (8 weeks)
      with John G. Kruth, MS
      Tuesday: May 7th - June 25th
       2:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $249; (Rhine Members $225)

      This course is required for the Scientific Parapsychology certificate program, and can be applied to other certificates.

      DreamImage ManField This introductory course is focused on the connections between psychology and psi. We will look into some historical perspectives on psi and how different cultural norms influenced how psi events were understood around the world. The course will include an exploration how psychologists from the past viewed psi activity, dreams, altered states of consciousness, and how factors such as belief and anxiety can impact the expression of psi.

      Alternative cognitive styles will be discussed as well as unconscious psi events and how our state of mind can sabotage the free expression of psi. Finally, we will broadly explore the nature of consciousness and some psychological theories that incorporate psi into our view of the world.

      THIS IS NOT A COURSE ABOUT COUNSELLING. Though counselling is very important for those who are having psi experiences, this course is designed for those who want to apply psychological concepts in their understanding of psi events and in research environments.


    • Paranthropology (8 weeks)
      with Loyd Auerbach, MS
      Tuesday, May 7th - July 2nd (no class June 25th)
      8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $245 ($220 for Rhine Members)

      This course is included in the a number of certificate programs.

      Reincarnation ManyLives This is a Seminar course that will involve live student interaction and discussions. Limited enrollment. How do native cultures view psi phenomena?

      How do culture-based beliefs and folklore around healing and psychokinesis differ between places like China, Mexico, and the Australian Outback? Why are seers and clairvoyants accepted in some cultures but shunned by others, modern culture included? How are culture-bound/religion-bound magic, witchcraft, and sorcery beliefs related to psychic abilities and experiences?

      This 8-week academic course will be a high-level overview of the ideas and beliefs of psychic experiences, the human mind and spirit, and related areas (life after death, reincarnation, etc.) as those beliefs have been “seen” by anthropologists and parapsychologists around the world. We will look at the possible instances of psi phenomena best reported in studies of divination, witchcraft and sorcery beliefs and practices, various cross-cultural studies, modern beliefs in the occult and supernatural, and the application of psychic functioning in archaeology and anthropology. From the parapsychological side, we will examine the ways culture affects belief, which in turn affects the psychic experience.


    • Developing Your Intuition (4 weeks)
      with Loyd Auerbach, MS
      Thursday, May 23rd - June 13th
      8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $119 ($99 for Rhine Members)

      The research findings from the field of Parapsychology have demonstrated that psi abilities-- ESP and PK (psychokinesis / mind over matter) – are functions of normal human beings, much like creativity. Some people are more creative than others in different disciplines, but everyone seems to have some creativity in them, provided they can find it and have some belief it can be developed and utilized.

      Developing one's psychic/intuitive abilities is much the same. Some people have a natural aptitude for certain psychic talents that spontaneously manifest themselves, others need to find which applications of psi they have aptitude for and work on bringing them out. This course will cover the major findings of Parapsychology relating to what makes a person more (or less) intuitive/psychic and will include exercises that will help you both test and develop the abilities you may have aptitude for, including a remote viewing experiment and a "Telepathy" game you can play with your family and friends.


Spring Courses Are In Session

Courses offered by the Rhine Education Center are designed as professional courses to provide education in Parapsychology. Students are able to participate in weekly discussion forums and progress is evaluated throughout the courses.

Many courses are strictly for informational purposes, but some courses can be applied to certificate programs offered by the Rhine Education Center.  Though not an accredited institution, the Rhine Education Center provides a professional educational opportunity for students.

Classes are broadcast once a week, but they are also recorded if you are not able to attend the live broadcast.  You can watch the recordings and post in the forums at your convenience.

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