Professional Parapsychology Courses Online

Summer Courses Currently in Progress

Investigating the Paranormal, Scientific Parapsychology, & Expressing Conscious Living certificates. Click through for details about ALL Certificate Programs.

Summer Session Courses 2024

    • Introduction to Lucid Dreaming (4 weeks)
      with Robert Waggoner & Jeffrey Peck
      Monday, July 29th - August 19th
      2:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $115 ($100 for Rhine Members)

      This course can be applied as an elective to a number of certificate programs.

      Dream KeyThis four week course will introduce you to the science, practice and potential of Lucid Dreaming, or the conscious realization of dreaming while in the dream state. Topics covered will include a variety of lucid dream induction techniques, methods to stabilize and explore the lucid dream state, scientific research on lucid dreaming and potential activities to engage in while lucidly aware (e.g., accessing creativity, enhancing emotional or physical health, engaging a responsive inner awareness, seeking information outside of one’s knowledge and conducting spiritual practices).

      During the course, we will also take a special look at lucid dreaming and topics in the field of parapsychology, such as lucid dreams and deceased dream figures, precognitive and telepathic information in lucid dreams and more, along with thoughtful approaches to examining the results of personal experiments. We will also provide supportive advice for those who wish to use lucid dreaming for their own purposes.


    • Writing About Your Experiences - Part I (4 weeks)
      with Sally Ann Drucker, PhD
      Wednesday: July 31st - August 28th (no class August 21)
      7:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $130; (Rhine Members $110)

      This course is required for the Expressing Conscious Living certificate program

      This course is a seminar course and has very limited enrollment.

      Are you interested in writing about paranormal phenomena or psychic experiences?

      Writing Sample - SpookyWhether writing about your own psychic experiences or those of others, in this course you'll go over some of the tools needed to share your thoughts and express ideas in ways that are accessible and interesting to others. These same skills are useful for writing fiction or fictionalized versions of your own experiences.

      Class sessions will cover basic writing concepts such as purpose, audience, narrative voice, setting, imagery, dialogue, and style – but in parapsychological contexts, with examples focused on psi experiences. Through exercises and critiquing, you'll explore your own writing with the instructor and with other students. Each week you will provide a writing sample in an online forum and review your work in the online courseroom and in live class discussions.

      This four-week course is Part I of a two-part course. Part II will involve longer or more involved written work, and it will be offered at a later date. You must take Part I to qualify to register for Part II, but you can also take Part I by itself. (Students taking this course to complete a certificate program must take both Part I & Part II.)


    • Presenting the Paranormal to the Public (4 weeks)
      with Loyd Auerbach, MS
      Thursday: August 1st - August 22nd
       8:00pm - 10:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $119; (Rhine Members $101)

      This course is required for the Expressing Conscious Living certificate program, and can be applied to other certificates.

      DreamImage ManFieldAre you interested in writing or talking about the paranormal like a professional? This course provides guidelines and practical skills necessary to present information about psychic/paranormal topics and parapsychology.

      Students will learn the importance of determining whether they are speaking or writing to a general or specific audience, and the best ways to appear credible while presenting information to produce a positive impact. Topics will include public speaking and overcoming fear of speaking in public, and techniques that make presentations easier to understand. Additional topics will focus on working with the media, how to provide a good interview, and some basic marketing and publicity skills.


    • The Power of Nature: The folklore and practices of evoking the divine(4 weeks)
      with Chantal Toporow, PhD
      Thursday, August 1st - August 22nd (New Dates)
      7:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $109 ($99 for Rhine Members)

      This course is included in the Expressing Conscious Living certificate program.

      Reincarnation ManyLivesHow does Nature reveal the divine, the miraculous, and mystical, and what are the similarities between cultures that give us profound insight into its power?

      This 4-week survey course will review paramount movements through the ages to discover how nature has enabled humans to connect with the deeper consciousness of all living things. Students will explore how the people of the world share a reverence for nature, considering it to be divine, sacred, or populated by spiritual beings, and how ancient beliefs and present-day movements are influencing attempts to use the powerful forces of Nature to conjure the extraordinary and the unimaginable.


    • Psi in Christianity(4 weeks)
      with Jimmy Akin
      Tuesday, July 30 - August 20th
      2:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern Time
      Tuition: $125 ($105 for Rhine Members)

      Miracle Written 01Christianity is the world’s largest religion. Approximately one third of the global population identifies as Christian, and it had an influential role in the development of parapsychology. Yet many have the impression that Christianity and parapsychology are incompatible and that all psychic phenomena are demonic deceptions. Even many Christians have the impression that “it’s always demons.” However, the scope of Christian thought is actually broader, and historic Christian thinkers have been open to psi phenomenon.

      This course surveys the scope of Christian thought on parapsychological topics including extra-sensory perception (ESP), psychokinesis (PK), the survival of bodily death, and Church-sponsored field investigations of paranormal phenomena like apparitions, miracles, and spirit possession.


Summer Courses Currently in Progress

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What is the Rhine Education Center?


The Rhine Education Center is dedicated to providing a high quality educational opportunity for students around the world who are interested in parapsychology. Professional courses are presented in an online environment to enable adults to attend the courses at their convenience and to interact with the faculty and students to provide a complete academic experience.

Why Choose the Rhine Education Center?

The Rhine Education Center is backed by the integrity and knowledge of the Rhine Research Center which is the oldest and most respected parapsychological research center in the United States. Since 1935 the Rhine has provided a sound scientific basis for the phenomena studied by parapsychologists, and the academic quality of the research at the Rhine is the foundation for modern parapsychology.

Courses with the Rhine Education Center are provided to give students the opportunity to learn about the science and practices of parapsychology in a professional and fun environment. To adhere to this goal, the Rhine Education Center offers academic certificates in parapsychology as well as adult-education courses for those who would like to learn more about parapsychology but may not have the time or interest in pursuing a more academic program. Courses taken at the Rhine Education Center are not accredited or associated with a University in any way.  They are academically oriented, but these courses cannot be transferred to other universities without special arrangements.

We recognize that our student base is diverse, and we are providing classes to better suit the needs of all of our students. Academic studies will be complemented by professional seminar courses to allow students to learn about more topics with the assurance and integrity of the Rhine Education Center.


By default, every student will be considered to be auditing their courses unless they indicate otherwise when they apply for the course. This will provide students the opportunity to learn without the pressures of working towards a grade.

Whether participating for a grade or auditing a course, every student will have full access to the course broadcasts and the forums in the classroom. All students can post in the classroom forums, ask questions of the instructors, and get feedback on their postings in the courseroom.

Courses taken to fulfill the requirements of a certificate program must be taken for a grade.  Additional information is available in the administrative policies for the Rhine Education Center.

Certificate Programs Available

The Rhine Education Center has a number of certificate programs that are available to students. Certificates are available in Scientific Parapsychology, Investigating the Paranormal, Professional Field Investigations, and Expressing Conscious Living. For complete information, see the document describing ALL Certificate Programs.

Diversity of Courses

Courses from the Rhine Education Center are distributed across three schools: The School of Consciousness Studies, Applied Sciences, and Liberal Arts and Creative Sciences. Eight week courses are supplemented by four week courses to better address the desires of our students. In addition, continuing education and seminar courses are offered to provide a diversity of courses related to the field of parapsychology. All of the courses are professionally provided by hightly qualified and experienced instructors.

Courses offered by the Rhine Education Center are designed as professional courses to provide education in Parapsychology. Students are able to participate in weekly discussion forums and progress is evaluated throughout the courses.

Many courses are strictly for informational purposes, but some courses can be applied to certificate programs offered by the Rhine Education Center.  Though not an accredited institution, the Rhine Education Center provides a professional educational opportunity for students.

Classes are broadcast once a week, but they are also recorded if you are not able to attend the live broadcast.  You can watch the recordings and post in the forums at your convenience.

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