Inside the Rhine Lab: The Early Years
with Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado & Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone

View the Course Syllabus

This 4 week course from the Rhine Education Center may be taken as an adult education course or it may be applied towards a certificate program from the Rhine. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Monday evenings from 9:00pm - 10:30pm Eastern US Time, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and intgeract with the course instructor.

If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.

Course Description

This 4-week online course will focus on how the Rhine Research Center came into being, looking at J. B. and Louisa E. Rhine and how they got interested in psychical research in the 1920s, their journey from the University of Chicago through Harvard to Duke University, the mediumship research that started it all, the early days of the Parapsychology Laboratory at Duke University and the decades after that, to J. B.’s retirement and the establishment of the Foundation for the Research on the Nature of Man (yes, that’s what it was called), and its Institute for Parapsychology.

Card-guessing, dice experiments, psychic healing experiments on gerbils and mice, random number generators, drawing experiments, the Ganzfeld, early psychic computer games: The history of the Rhine Research Center has it all! The course will include weekly online lecture broadcasts, discussion forums, readings, videos, online testing, and a couple of class projects. Come join us for this fascinating look at the history of research at the Rhine.

View the Course Syllabus

When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.

Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.

Tuition: $69 ($59 for Rhine members or students enrolled in program at HCH or a degree program)