Qualitative Research Methods - Course Description
8 week course
Instructor: John G. Kruth, MS
This 8 week course from the Rhine Education Center may be taken as an adult education course or it may be applied towards a certificate program from the Rhine. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Tuesday from 2:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern US Time, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and intgeract with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Description
How do researchers study reports of psi experiences or learn more about experiences that aren't easily reproduced in the laboratory?
There are many events that cannot be easily studied in the laboratory. Psi phenomena typically occur in spontaneous situations or in environments that do not transfer to a controlled laboratory environment. Qualitative research methods provide a way to explore this type of event in a controlled scientific manner.
Qualitative research methods typically gather information through interviews, questionnaires, observation, or a review of literature and art. Analysis methods vary for qualitative research, but there are extremely well-defined processes that will help the researcher to learn more about the event or phenomena being studied.
This course will describe some common methods of qualitative research and analysis techniques to gather information about psi phenomena outside of the laboratory environment. Through the review of articles and psi reports, the students will learn how qualitative research is performed and reported for paranormal and psi phenomena.
This academic course is designed for the serious student and qualifies for many certificate programs.
It is strongly recommended that students have taken the Research Methods course or have previous experience with research methodology.
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $225 ($199 for Rhine members or students enrolled in a degree program.)