Exploring Exceptional Experiences
with John G. Kruth, MS
This 8 week course from the Rhine Education Center may be taken as an adult education course or it may be applied towards a certificate program from the Rhine. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Tuesday afternoons from May 9th - June 27th, 2pm - 4:00pm, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and interact with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Description
How do we explore spontaneous psi experiences and very unusual activity that happens in daily life?
This 8 week academic course will discuss the nature of spontaneous experiences, the types of experiences explored by parapsychologists, and how researchers take a structured approach to understanding what people experience and how they understand their own experiences.
We will explore topics like precognitive dreams, clairvoyant experiences, poltergeists, near-death experiences, spontaneous after-death communication, ghosts & apparitions, and reincarnation experiences. From classifications of experiences to examinations of peer-reviewed research articles, this course provides a foundation for understanding psi in daily life.
Recommended prerequisites: Introduction to Parapsychology or experience or courses that include reading and evaluating scientific parapsychology articles from peer reviewed journals.
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $249 ($225 for Rhine Members)
Psychology and Psi
with John G. Kruth, MS
This 8 week course from the Rhine Education Center may be taken as an adult education course or it may be applied towards a certificate program from the Rhine. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Tuesday afternoons from May 7th - June 25th, 2pm - 4:00pm, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and interact with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Syllabus Coming Soon
Course Description
Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior, and it has been the major companion to the field of parapsychology since the field was first defined. These sciences explore everything from the big questions (e.g. What is Consciousness?) to everyday experiences (e.g. How do we perceive the world? or What are dreams & how do we understand them?). Parapsychology crosses many field including physics, biology, anthropology, technology, and many others including psychology.
This introductory course is focused on the connections between psychology and psi. We will look into some historical perspectives on psi and how different cultural norms influenced how psi events were understood around the world. The course will include an exploration of how psychologists from the past viewed psi activity, dreams, altered states of consciousness, and how factors such as belief and anxiety can impact the expression of psi.
Alternative cognitive styles will be discussed as well as unconscious psi events and how our state of mind can sabotage the free expression of psi. Finally, we will broadly explore the nature of consciousness and some psychological theories that incorporate psi into our view of the world.
THIS IS NOT A COURSE ABOUT COUNSELLING. Though counselling is very important for those who are having psi experiences, this course is designed for those who want to apply psychological concepts in their understanding of psi events and in research environments.
Recommended prerequisites: Introduction to Parapsychology or experience or courses that include reading and evaluating scientific parapsychology articles from peer reviewed journals.
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $249 ($225 for Rhine Members)
Course Syllabus Coming Soon
Coures Description: Psi in Christianity
with Jimmy Akin
This 4 week course is presented as part of the School of Liberal Arts and Creative Sciences programs from the Rhine Education Center. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Tuesdays (July 30th - August 20th) from 2:00pm - 4:00pm Eastern US Time, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and interact with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Course Description
Christianity is the world’s largest religion. Approximately one third of the global population identifies as Christian, and it had an influential role in the development of parapsychology. Yet many have the impression that Christianity and parapsychology are incompatible and that all psychic phenomena are demonic deceptions. Even many Christians have the impression that “it’s always demons.” However, the scope of Christian thought is actually broader, and historic Christian thinkers have been open to psi phenomenon.
This course surveys the scope of Christian thought on parapsychological topics including extra-sensory perception (ESP), psychokinesis (PK), the survival of bodily death, and Church-sponsored field investigations of paranormal phenomena like apparitions, miracles, and spirit possession.
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $125 ($105 for Rhine members)
Coures Description: Writing About Your Experiences
with Sally Ann Drucker, PhD
This 4 week course is presented as part of the School of Liberal Arts and Creative Sciences programs from the Rhine Education Center. It will consist of weekly class broadcasts on Wednesdays (July 31st - August 28th; No class on August 21st) from 7:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern US Time, along with an interactive discussion forum where students can discuss class topics and interact with the course instructor.
If you cannot attend the live class broadcasts, you can watch the recordings of the classes when it is most convenient for you. Many successful students have attended courses by watching the class recordings.
Enrollment is limited in this seminar course.
Course Description
Are you interested in writing about paranormal phenomena or psychic experiences?
Whether writing about your own psychic experiences or those of others, in this course you'll go over some of the tools needed to share your thoughts and express ideas in ways that are accessible and interesting to others. These same skills are useful for writing fiction or fictionalized versions of your own experiences.
Class sessions will cover basic writing concepts such as purpose, audience, narrative voice, setting, imagery, dialogue, and style – but in parapsychological contexts, with examples focused on psi experiences. Through exercises and critiquing, you'll explore your own writing with the instructor and with other students. Each week you will provide a writing sample in an online forum and review your work in the online courseroom and in live class discussions.
This four-week course is Part I of a two-part course. Part II will involve longer or more involved written work, and it will be offered at a later date. You must take Part I to qualify to register for Part II, but you can also take Part I by itself. (Students taking this course to complete a certificate program must take both Part I & Part II.)
This class has limited enrollment to facilitate discussion and review.
When: Live broadcasts once a week or watch the class recordings at your convenience.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can participate anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $130 ($110 for Rhine members)
Dreams & ESP: Extraordinary Dreaming
Course Description
This special four week adult education course will focus on the fascinating topic of Extraordinary dreams, including telepathic and precognitive dreams, as well as other kinds of impactful and “anomalous” events that happen while we sleep. Each week will include a live class broadcast, some suggested readings or videos, and a discussion forum on the topic of the week. We will also have a fun dream telepathy contest for those who wish to take part. Topics will include: extraordinary dreams throughout history; contemporary Dream Telepathy experiments; the connection between precognition (seeing the future) and dreams; and how to work with extraordinary dreams in your own life.
This is a seminar course and will not be graded.
When: Live broadcasts once a week.
Where: This is an ONLINE COURSE, so you can watch it anywhere you have an internet connection.
Tuition: $69 ($59 for Rhine members or students enrolled in a degree program)