Michael Sudduth (D.Phil., University of Oxford) is a professor in the Philosophy Department at San Francisco State University, where he has taught philosophy and religion courses since 2005, including courses in world religions, philosophy of religion, the nature of religious experience, and the Buddhist tradition.
He specializes in epistemology and the philosophy of religion. His interests in epistemology include the Gettier problem, concepts of evidence, Bayesian epistemology, confirmation theory, and defeasibility reasoning.
In the philosophy of religion, Sudduth has focused on concepts of God, arguments for God’s existence, religious experience, eastern philosophy and spiritual practices, and life after death. Over the past three decades, his spiritual journey has led him from the Christian tradition to the Vaishnava bhakti tradition of India, and subsequently the traditions of Advaita Vedanta and Zen Buddhism.
His publications include The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology (Ashgate 2009, Routledge 2016) and A Philosophical Critique of Arguments for Postmortem Survival (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
Jimmy Akin has a life-long interest in the paranormal. He produces the weekly podcast Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World (Mysterious.fm), which investigates both normal and paranormal mysteries, including parapsychological research, psychic functioning, and spontaneous phenomena including hauntings, apparitions, and poltergeists. Mysterious World is a Top 20 documentary podcast in the U.S. on Apple Podcasts and has more than 100,000 listeners per week. Jimmy also has made thousands of media appearances on other programs and regularly discusses paranormal topics for the public.
Jimmy has a BA in philosophy and has taught philosophy at the University of Arkansas. He has received the Rhine’s certificate Investigating the Paranormal: A Scientific Perspective. He is a member of the Rhine Research Center, the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and the International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA), where he is the secretary of the IRVA Research Unit (IRU). Jimmy is also a field investigator with Loyd Auerbach’s Office of Paranormal Investigations (OPI).
Jeffrey Peck is an avid lucid dreamer with over 15 years of experience exploring the phenomenology of dreaming reality. Jeffrey's exploration of lucid dreamer began in connection to his experiences with OBEs ('out-of-body experiences') and altered states of consciousness as a teenager. He found lucid dreaming to be a way to explore his interests in the mystical, spiritual, and esoteric --- and most importantly, the Unconscious.
Today, Jeffrey uses lucid dreaming to focus on examining consciousness and its connection to waking and dreaming reality. His goal is to introduce lucid dreaming as a modality for consciously engaging with the Unconscious to experience healing, explore deeper Knowing and Creativity, and realize the relationship between the mind and experience.
Annalisa Ventola is a researcher and educator in the field of parapsychology, promoting public scholarship, effective science communication, training psi, and applying consciousness-based practices to climate action. She is the Executive Director of the Parapsychological Association, and the founder of Public Parapsychology.
A cultural creative at the intersection of the arts, sciences, and consciousness, Annalisa is also a performing musician, composer, and teacher of piano and trombone, holding a BA in Music and operating a private studio. She has led workshops on overcoming stage fright and is fascinated by approaches that foster a creative state of flow.
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